Thursday, November 19, 2009

Im having my hair cut, need some opinions and help =]?

I have a cowslick and shoulder length brown hair, i have a heart shaped head, style suggestions please?

i havent got much luck when it comes to hair styles, i had my hair cut in early september with that spikey thing on the back of my head, so ive grown my layers out and id say my shortest later atm is 10 cms long.

any suggestions would be much appreciated =]

thanks a bunch

Jodie xx

Im having my hair cut, need some opinions and help =]?

i have the same kind of hair. what i do is keep it at sholder lenth with layers andbangs on the side with cowlick

hope i helped

Im having my hair cut, need some opinions and help =]?

I would get a cute layered chin length bob with kind of a wispy thing at the ends. Or, get it angled. Angled and layered is the style right now.

Im having my hair cut, need some opinions and help =]?

This is fabu!

Im having my hair cut, need some opinions and help =]?

definitely do bangs on the side with the cowlick it'll help flatten and hide it

Cute, straight, shoulder length, layered hair cut?

I am getting my hair cut and I want it to be a little longer than shoulder length. i have dead straight hair. I would like to be able just to blow dry it out in the morning and go. I wanted something with volume. Pictures please!

Cute, straight, shoulder length, layered hair cut?

You can go on a search engine and type in "hair styles" and it will pull up a large selection of sites. Here is a link to one I found. It has lots of pictures.

There are some which allow you to upload a photo of yourself and see what you look like in different hairstyles. But it costs money.

Hope this helps. : )

p.s. What's with that person who posted acne information? Did you make any reference to acne or skin problems? Unless they know someone has an acne problem, that can be quite offensive!

Cute, straight, shoulder length, layered hair cut?

acne and pimples irritating u and u want to become beautiful.


and u`ll see some blue color links

open the blue color links for acne treatment,natural beauty tips and for tips to fight and cure skin problems..these tips and remedies will really work out for u and u`ll get a clear glowing skin

Cute, straight, shoulder length, layered hair cut?

well, I would just get your hair cut like you were planning and get like a perm so that it will stay any way yo uwat it ll the time good luck and i hope this helps

Cute, straight, shoulder length, layered hair cut?

layers will totally give u volume! if you want fluffy hair you can also cut it to your chin w/ short wispy bangs

Good hair cuts for me (more info)?

i am 13 so i want a young fresh look. i have curlyish hair. (shoulder length right now) i want a cute summer cut but is also good for school. i want something to stick me out BUT not too much. (pics would be nice)

ps. sorry if im too picky

Good hair cuts for me (more info)?

get it layered, that always looks good, and its not too much. you should get highlights or lowlights too.

Good hair cuts for me (more info)?

Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair

im use to haviing realy long hair and recently got a bad hair cut should i get hair extentions not like jessica simsons or anyhitng just to replace so of my hair that was cut off my hair is still long but not the way i like it and i dont want to wait 2 to 3 months for it to grow back

Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair cut?

You understand clip ons BLEND into long hair. U need to get reaaaal extensions. Real extensions are expensive but if you really care you should do that. btw, it's only normal for a guy to have short hair :P so mabye you should let it grow

Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair cut?


Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair cut?

i think u mite get a little made fun of for tht, but u do wat u want :)

Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair cut?

no honestly i would just let it grow out and work with it from there on

Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair cut?

no just wear a hat .

Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair cut?

Hair extensions are femme, but do as you like.

Should i get clip in hair extentions im a guy and i am use to long hair and i got a really bad hair cut?

oh my gosh do NOT do that! it would be SO gay!!!

Friend offered to cut my hair, should I tip her?

She is a hair stylist and has gone to school and everything. She offered to cut my sons hair and my hair, how much should I tip her?

Her words were "If __(my sons name here)__ or you need your hair cut i can bring my scissors over"

But i just wouldnt feel right not handing her some money...

should i tip her

how much ?

Friend offered to cut my hair, should I tip her?

If she's a good friend, treat her to dinner or a bottle of wine or something. If she's just an acquintance, ask her "How much do I owe you?". If she says "nothing", see above. A tip is not necessary, but, again, do something for her in return.

That's what friends are for.

The rules may be different if she brings you into her salon. Then, the "house" may require a cut, so offer to pay even a good friend under those circumstances. If she does it at home (or at your place), consider it a gift and return the favor with something nice.

Friend offered to cut my hair, should I tip her?

how much u would pay a regular stylist

and a little less.


Friend offered to cut my hair, should I tip her?

um no because shes your friend. Take her out to lunch and offer to pay the bill or something.

Friend offered to cut my hair, should I tip her?

yeh treat her like your regular hair person.

Friend offered to cut my hair, should I tip her?



Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

my real original hair is long with tight curls .. but i have been straightening/colouring/relaxing etc.. for like 8 years.. so my hair has been all dried up and it looks dead and frizzy .despite going for monthly hair treatments .. i never cut my hair short before but i only trimmed them . and my hair grows very very slow ...

i feel like shaving my hair so that i can get back my original curls but im so afraid it will not grow back..

any advice?

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

try a deep conditioning treatment. also, try using this stuff called Matrix curl life defining system everyday. if you give your lovely hair lots of extra tlc, you can escape being Britney spears' twin.

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

You don't have to shave your head %26amp; though it may take a little while don't do anymore chemical treatments and just let it grow out and have it cut a little at a time slow process but way better than shaving it and walking around bald waitng for it to grow

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

I had to cut my hair into a shorter hair style because of damage due to relaxing/color and when I did this my hair looked and started doing alot better. I don't think that I can go without the relaxer because my hair is very thick, but you may just want to cut off the dead hair.

A short hair style may be cute....I cut my hair similar to Kelis and I got a lot of compliments on it.

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

If u cut them they will grow up again.

but before cutting ur hair go chat with doctor

its better than people advices.

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

if you decide to shave your hair, it will grow back, but before I would cut it,I would try to treat a good hot hair treatment, and use it once or twice a week,and maybe just have only the ends cut. next time it's straightened ask them to only do the regrowth only, so that the weaker hair, is not damaged any further

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

i got a curly hair before and when i took my vacation i decided to make it straight.after a month i notice that it becoming dry.what i did is i do a hot oil once a week by myself-using a mixture of honey and olive oil-massage it in your scalp and hair and leave it until i finish all my work inside the house then i take my shower.

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

well go to walgreens and go to the shampoo and hair stuff section. then go to the section for african-american get this oil

its called IC. it only like $5

Is cutting or shaving my hair the only solution?

Stop straightening/coloring/relaxing your hair. That's whats causing the damage. Cut off your hair a bit at a time until all the damaged hair grows out. The new hair will grow in healthy and curly the way your hair normally is.

Hair cut???

i was thinking of getting this hair cut ??

do you think it is cute??

Hair cut???

Yes , It Would Look Awesome .

: )

Hair cut???

I don't care for it.

Hair cut???

I don't like it it looks totally fried.

Hair cut???

It's cute. But that girl had too much makeup on ! (:

Hair cut???

i think it is very cute

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

ok, please no rude comments..

I don't really care if you don't "approve" of people cutting their hair, but I prefer it!

I have cut my hair since 8 years old. Because the hairstylists I 've been to (numbered amount) all cut my hair either crooked, too short or completely uneven.

I LOVE cutting my own hair! I do layers and it looks great, however,

how do I do the back a little better? For some reason, they're are always some uneven parts, but not many?

anyone out there that 's cut their hair?




Tips for cutting your own hair!?

Cut your hair upside down. Seriously.

Turn your head upside down and pull your hair into a pony tail or to a point in the center of your head.

Twist the tail, twist, twist, until you have twisted a tight rope.

Trim the ends of the twist and let it go

Turn upright and your hair will fall into into long layers.

Try it, but just trim a little at a time. It will give you great layers.

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

You should let someone else do it. but here's a tip. get a mirror and scissors and then cut. Simpe!

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

dont do it

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

I've cut my own hair several times, and I've also cut hair for some friends. I would recommend going to you local beauty college and taking a basic/beginners cutting class to get familiar with a few techniques. Without some training, hair cut by oneself at home looks a lot like hair that was cut at home---there can be uneven ends, too choppy layers, or a flat, lifeless cut that lacks movement.

Usually I find that spending that extra $15-20 at a salon is well worth it to keep from looking like a "beauty school drop-out"

Which hair cut should i get?

my picture above

heres this hair cut i likee




Which hair cut should i get?

I really like choice (B) for you, Jenzie. =)

Awh, you look so pretty anways with your hair already.

Pssst, you should make a 360 page so we can chat? I made mine today. =E I'm having a little bit of trouble.

Which hair cut should i get?

umm i dont like neither its like goth/scene like but if i hadda choose i would pic the 2nd one

Which hair cut should i get?

I like photo A for you. But both would work. :)

Which hair cut should i get?

the first one

Which hair cut should i get?

i like the 2ed one but there both cute! whatever other people say dosent matter just get what you think is cute!

Which hair cut should i get?

The 2nd

Which hair cut should i get?

ok i dont really like either but if i had to chose i would pick b just not the makeup %26lt;3

Which hair cut should i get?


Which hair cut should i get?

you go with the one you like

one that has induviduality that you like

oh and by the way numer 2 does rock


Which hair cut should i get?

i like the second one, it would probably be easier to style. and it fits your face better.

Which hair cut should i get?

I don't like short hair but if I had to choose it would be (B)

Which hair cut should i get?

they both would look good on u but i think b would look the best on u

So i got my hair

I loved my hair like a couple of years ago, but then i got it cut and now it looks like crap!! my bangs are all messed up, and i want itt to grow out faster, i just hate it, it makes me look horrible!! what should i do? its like too short really to get it cut again, im gonna try to grow it out, but what should i do while i wait for it to grow out??

So i got my hair

Tie it, or clip it up?

Try to make the best out of the worst.

That happened to me before.

But eventually, my hair grew out, and it looked better.


So i got my hair

You didn't say how it was cut, but cutting it blunt until it grows out will help it look thicker. Brush it alot too. The stimulation to the scalp makes the hair grow faster.

So i got my hair

The same thing happened to me too! I hated my bangs when I got them but you just have to deal with them until they grow out

The best way for me was to clip my bangs to the side you make a duff puff. To make a duff puff you just brush your hair back then take your bangs from each side and clip it with and then put some hairspray so that it won't mess up!

So i got my hair

Extensions, maybe???

So i got my hair

Check out thousands of hairstyles using for links to websites offering different hairstyles, tips and free makeovers, you will be able to find something suitable. You can also upload a photo and try different hairstyles

So i got my hair

I know what you mean i just passed that crises but my hair grew back (=, what i did was i tied it up really high so that all my hairs are collected and tied in a little pony tail.

Hope it helps Go0d luck (=

So i got my hair

massage your scalp this will promote hair growth, also exercise the blood flow will feed the also grows faster in the warm weather so now till fall is a great time.haircuts are cute but you need someone who can style your hair to suit your face.that could be done even with what you have, take time to research hair stylist anyone can cut but few can make it personal.

Hair cut ?? need help?

ok we know number 8 is the longest for a hair cut number so where can i buy the blade size 8?

Hair cut ?? need help?

from the beauty supply store it the 2" guard and you put it on top of your 0 blade and you have A # 8. or get a haircut with sciscors and just tell them to take alittle off.

Hair cut ?? need help? try this...

Hair cut ?? need help?

At Sally's Beauty Supply.

Hair cut ?? need help?

You've been misinformed with some of the information here. First, each number equals 1/8", so a #1=1/8", a #2=1/4", a #4 =1/2", a #6=3/4", a #8=1", a #10=1%26amp;1/4" and a #12=1%26amp;1/2". You can buy up to a #10 (1%26amp;1/4") universal plastic guide at most beauty supply stores for about $5. And, you can buy a #12 (1%26amp;1/2" for Wahl clippers only) online. I have not seen the Wahl #12 in any beauty supply stores. However, I did buy a #12 Wahl guide from But (like I said) this #12 guide will only fit Wahl clippers. The #10 and lower guides, at most beauty supply stores, are universal and will fit all clippers.

If you do not want a plastic guide, and want a blade (as you mentioned in your question) the largest universal blade you can buy is made by Andis, and it's a #6 (3/4") blade. The Andis #6 blade is about $50 and the plastic guides are only about $5. However, I have found long hair can get caught in the plastic guides, and you would not have this problem with the #6 Andis blade.

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

The specific one I'm talking about is the largest of the four cuts in the picture:

I have a round face, and although I'm part Asian, I definitely do not look it (more Hispanic looking).

I know it depends on me, but what I'm really asking is if the cut is ok for the kind of face shape I have.

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

aw, very cute :)

I think it will definitely work for you! That's a great cut for someone which a round face, especially with the side-swept bangs. The only thing I'd suggest is getting the longest layer cut a bit longer than the picture shows. But thats just a personal opinion :)

Good luck!

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

i think it would look good with a round face, since the girl in the picture has one.

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

ya it will look good but as u said that u hv a round shaped face, it will give u more "baby-look" it will make u look quite cute and childish so think about it according to ur profession and then go for it...All the best!!!

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

should work good.

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

I like this hair cut its very cute, and I think it would look good on you.

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

why not?

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

If you have more of a round face, you need something that is more off and away from face, something maybe with a little more volume on the top of your head but nothing with your hair laying too close to your face. I have the same problem with hair styles (round face) and not knowing what will look good. These are the suggestions that my hairdresser gave me and it really works, because it takes away the roundness in your face and focuses it someplace else

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

Not only the face shape but also other facial features need to be taken into account. Use hairstyles software to make sure it will look good on you before you get it cut.

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

yes, it would probably make ur face look thinner. im not asian, im hispanic and i have a hair-cut kind of like that, it makes me look thinner around the face and friendlier (sp?). i think it would look great on any asian girl or hispanic looking girl with medium skin. oh, and redish mixed in with dark brown or blackish hair would look good with that hair-cut.

Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?


Would this hair cut be alright for my face shape?

i think it will look good. just remember it wnt eva look the same as the pic on u. but yes i think it will nice

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

I am 23 y/o and have a round kinda pudgy face and a short neck. My hair is straight, dishwater blonde, and lays about at the top of my bra closures. I'd like a shorted hair style but my mom and future husband don't want me to cut it shorter. I work on a fire department/rescue squad and hate having to mess with my hair....most of the time I wear my hair in a ponytail. When I wear it down its the same style that I've had since I was about 13, its either parted on the side or down the middle with the ends curled slightly under, but I HATE hair in my face. Please help, I'm ready for a "grown-up" hair style.

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

well... if your husband and mom dont want it to be shorter... take that into consideration... but you can do that and also get a "grown up" style...

the simplest hairstyle for active girls who want it to look nice when they get dressed up too would be layers shaped around the face. it sounds like this style would look good on your face shape as well. i've done this style for many women and everyone seems to like it.

i think long layers rounded against your face would be a good bet... plus, its still easy to put up when you're on duty..

hope i helped.. good luck

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

chin length

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

See your stylest they can tell you what would look best

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

you should go a lighter blond with a lot of layers and instead of a pony tail try clips! hope this helps!%26lt;3

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

I think you should pull a Britney Spears.......,just kidding. Well I think you shouldn't listen your mom or future husband but maybe consult some kind of "stylist."

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

loook in a hair magazine see wut you think will lookk relly good on you

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

First of all, avoid ANYTHING chin length. If you have a round face, you want to go with a layered look and pump of the volume. 1. Have your hairstylist create a side part. Never part in the center.

2. Layering, layering, layering!

3. Create volume at the crown.

What kind of hair cut/style should I go with??

I too have a round face, and let me tell you that short hair typically isn't the most flattering. People with round faces should keep their hair at least two in. below chin-length. The longer hair helps to visually legnthen the face. Also, a side or off-center part will look the best, as center parts tend to only emphasize the roundness of the face. Longer, soft layers are also a good idea for a round face, but be sure to keep the first layer below the chin a little bit. When deciding whether or not to do layers you should take the thickness of your hair into account. Layers tend to work best on those with thicker hair, as the style can make thinner hair look even thinner and wispy. If your hair is indeed on the thinner side, then layers cut only in the front around the face to frame it are a good idea, as your hair would still be one-legnth for the most part. When I decided to do my first "grown-up" hairstyle I had my long hair cut to a couple of inches below my shoulders (so I could still pull it back), had it cut so that it was angled to a point in the back, and had soft layers cut into the front of my hair. I wear this with an off-center part and I love it. Good luck!

Getting my hair cut this Friday! help!?


ok, i am getting my hair cut this friday at a really good salon and i am in desparate help! i want a hairstyle that is a little longer than the shoulders with LOTS of layers and very cute sidebangs. i have a really good straightener (CHI) and i will be straightening my hair every day so i want a style that looks really hawt when its straightened. i want the style to a a tiny touch of scene but barely because im not scene, im a prep who wears hollister, abercrombie, and american eagle, so i want it to hav a touch of preppyness too! thanks a bunch! :)

much luvv! =]

Getting my hair cut this Friday! help!?

This one is CUTE Im getting it lol

Getting my hair cut this Friday! help!?

I think getting layers and side bangs are good but you can also try curling your hair some times instead of straiting it. I think my ideas are preppy too so try curling:)

What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?

I have thick,black wavy/curly hair.What are some good hair cuts for my type?I want something that can be tied into a ponytail,is easy to maintain and doesn't get frizzy.All ideas and tips are welcome.Thanks in advance.

What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?

-keep it long, just 3-4 inches below the shoulders.

-A semi layered hair cut will do, that is not too much layers or it will end up looking thicker than usual.

-don't forget to condition daily and shampoo every other day so your hair won't dry up too much.

-ponytail works too but try half-pony, with only the top part tied up and the bottom part flowing =)

What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?


What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?

keep it long trust me i have curly hair and i cut it short and i hate it!!! it goes frizzy all the time don't do any short layers either those are just as bad!!

What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?

Go for Steps. Else gor for Razor Cut from Front and Layers Cut from Back. They'd really luk Awesome!!

What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?

If you have long hair, I say get it cut an inch below the shoulders, because I have a friend who has curly hair, and it look really cute the way she did it!

What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?

If you want it l long enough to tie back then it has to be a certain length. I would think you may want a short hair cut , to eliminate the frizz. The hair products at a local salon should be of help as well, see a professional on that one.

What are good hair cuts for wavy/curly hair?

Shoulder lenght. also 90 degree layered or 45 leyered cut. if 90 them short and close to the head but if 45 then mid neck. long chin length bangs also will look great.

Need picture of cute summer hair cut?

I have hair past the middle of my back getting hair cut for summer want something short and easy to fix? HELP pics would be great Thanks

Need picture of cute summer hair cut?

i love brody dalle s hair here , i think it looks great and would look amazing on a boy aswell, i love the way it brushes onto her face in this pic n flicks out n it looks rather easy to manage dispite gorgeous aswell

Need picture of cute summer hair cut?

i think this is cute my opinion..

Need picture of cute summer hair cut?

I recently got my hair cut shorter for the summer and my inspiration was this picture. The cut is very manageable and versatile. You can wear it strait, curled under a tad, or even flipped up. Its very cute.

Need picture of cute summer hair cut?


Hair cut and bangs?????????

i have curly hair down to my mid-back, and no bangs. I want bangs. side bangs. But how short should i cut my long hair, and does any of you have pics of curly haired, side banged people? lol that sounds gay. but anyway, thanks alot

Hair cut and bangs?????????

Wow, down to your mid-back! That's pretty long. You could always go onto and do an image search for "side bangs curly hair", and that should turn up some results if you want pictures of "curly haired side banged people". :D

Personally, if I had your curly hair, I'd cut mine to a little shorter than shoulder-length. This would give me good volume and enough control, but I also love long hair, and I'd hate to cut mine super short.

Good luck, and I hope your cut turns out looking gorgeous!

Hair cut and bangs?????????

My hair is curly and i have it shoulder lenght but when i straighten it it goes to my mid back :o and i agreee with the person above cut ure hair a lil bit below the shoulder or shoulder lenght itll come out pretty and with straight side bangs itll be perfecto

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

any ideas??? i like short hair, like at my neck. and i have very thick wavy hair.

Whats a good hair cut that would soot me.....that doesnt look to old for a 13year old. and i have blond hair!!!!!!!!

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

Short hair is a little well suited for straight hair because if your hair is REALLY thick and wavy, it will poof out and give you the dreaded PYRAMID HAIR!!! Or, if you cut it to your neck, ask the hairstylist to give you suited layers, it will thin out your hair and prevent it from sticking out :)

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

thick and wavy hair is great to work with because u can hold styles well and it just look so good...i think if u go for a layered,shoulderlenghth cut that would be good for ur age....a side band is really trendy.....good luck

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

I think you should go to your beautician and let her work her magic. I think with your hair being thick and wavy that it shouldn't be to short or it will poof out and look like a fuzz ball.

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

I have my hair cut like Alyssa Milano...really short pixie style. Its great because you just put some gel in it and go. I have stick-straight hair but have heard wavy hair is even better in short styles because you get more body, less sticking up (like a rooster! LOL).

I also really like Mariska Hargita's haircut. She's Liv on Law and Order SVU. She's wearing it long this season but last season it was short and very cute.

I think the thing that seperates a cute girl short cut from a mannish nightmare is:

1. razor-cut layering

2. wispy long sideburns

3. leaving a little fringe along the neck line instead of cutting it square.

Good luck!

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

How about a graduated bob w/ lots of piecey layers?

Here's the link to a photo:

I wanna cut my hair.........any ideas?

well im dying my hair black this weekend and i also wanna cut it. do any of you have any ideas, or LINKSSSS with pics of hair cuts, they hafta be something that would look good on a 16 year old girl,with black hair!! =] =]

I wanna cut my hair.........any ideas?

depends on the shape of your face. I would look through pics of celebs you think have nice hair and bring a pic to your stylist

I wanna cut my hair.........any ideas?

Layered cut.

I wanna cut my hair.........any ideas?

well you could cut it in layers or any style that you prefer and make sure it suites you and ask others that know you 'what style do you think would suite me best when i cut me hair?' and it also depends on if your hair is curly or deal straight and how your face is shaped.

gud luk

I wanna cut my hair.........any ideas?

if you're into the skater/punk subculture, then the g.i. jane look would work...see demi moore in the movie "G.I. Jane"

or a short "pageboy" cut might work as well

I wanna cut my hair.........any ideas?

Try this.

Is straight bangs a emo hair cut? If so should i get them?

I want a emo hair cut i have the sweeping bands but my dad says its silly and he calls me a sheep dog with extra long hair.

What should i do?

Is straight bangs a emo hair cut? If so should i get them?

well i don't know if they're really emo or not, but if your going for a dark-ish look, long straight bangs might be nice. strange though, because i have always thought of straight bangs as high fashion, like with all the models these days. are you sure you want an emo look? you might regret it a few days afterwards! but it is your desicion i guess. Make sure you don't have a round face, because straight bangs can make you look fat, even if you aren't.

Is straight bangs a emo hair cut? If so should i get them?

hehehe same problem here got the side bangs anyway go for it youll b happy :D

Is straight bangs a emo hair cut? If so should i get them?

I think you should do it. My hair is emo-like and I love my hair. Lots of Dads don't understand new styles. He's older and probably doesn't realize what he says sounds harsh. Older people are weird like that.

Is straight bangs a emo hair cut? If so should i get them?

well to be honest i dont think there is such thing as an emo, emo is more a feeling or a type of music than a look, but hair cut thats a little too far. if you feel you must have an emo hair cut i would go with the longer bangs to the side and the back short that you can spike up. but like be your slef and dont follow what people do. i personaly think the way people dress and their hair style has nothing to do with whether you are emo or not. it is a type of music and an interest not the way you cut your hair..but good luck

What do you suggest for an hair cut? please help!?

hey, I'm getting a hair cut soon and I wanted something that would flatter me. I have a round face and a somewhat large forehead. Right now my hair is about between my shoulders and elbow...i think its pretty long so I want to cut my hair short. I have wavy hair...not curly but not straight either. I was thinking bangs (to cover my forehead) and about shoulder length but I don't know if it'll look good since I have a round face. what should I do? any suggestions or pictures?

How do I find cute hair cuts for my hair?

Since it is summer I would love a new cute cut but I don't know what would look cute? I have hair that is about down to my boob

How do I find cute hair cuts for my hair?

Go to your hair stylist, they will have ideas on what will look good on you. Browse magazines for looks you like. I used to have hair about that length, and I cut it to right above my shoulder with layers, and it worked well, cute and attention-grabbing.

If your hair is dark, I would recommend getting some highlights slightly lighter than your natural color or whatever color you have now.

Good luck!

How do I find cute hair cuts for my hair?

go to your normal hair salon and ask for a style book.

they should have a good amount.

look through every book even if you see something you like in one book

if you find many choices look at the ups and downs to that style.

then start to eliminate choices you dislike.

How do I find cute hair cuts for my hair?

One thing to do is think of an celebrities hair that you really like. Find one that has the same face as yours. Print a pic and bring it to the salon. Also, look at magazines of pics of girls and see if you like any of them. If you find one that you like be sure to bring it in when you get your hair cut. I found this really cute style so I showed a lady a picture online. She said she didn't need to see while cutting my hair. She was wrong. My hair looked how my sisters was supposed to and my mom ended up fixing it at home. Also, go to salon and look through pictures or tell them a ruff generalization of what you want and they should be able to help you. Have fun!

How do I find cute hair cuts for my hair?

Go to a major grocery store. They have plenty of magazines devoted to hair style's. Proof positive America is bloated with cash.

New hair cut help!!!?

i'm a girl with with thin blonde hair down to my shoulder i'm getting my hair cut today any suggedtions???

New hair cut help!!!?

well, i would look at this website to figure out which hair style and cut would best compliment your dace shape

and then look at pictures in magazines to get some inspiration.

once you decide on a few options, ask your stylist if your thin hair will work well with the styles!

New hair cut help!!!?

layers a u cut or and get side bangs if you get layers lol they look gorgeous

Asian hair cuts?

Where can i get an "asian" hair cuts like what those chinese and japanese ppl have like the famous guys, Jay chou etc around the milpitas and san jose area?

Asian hair cuts?

anywhere. print a picture of the haircut you want and show it to the hair stylist

Hair-cut help??

I have a side-swept bang and whenever I get the bangs cut they always look very straight on the bottom like I just cut thm and it looks horrible.My hair dresser doesn't even adress it. Any way that this could be prevented or how long it will take before it will be back to normal again?

Hair-cut help??

You need to have your bangs sort of fringed or layered slightly rather than blunt cut, even if they are thin and long. It sounds like your stylist is blunt cutting them. I have very straight hair and I wear a straight side-swept bang and that is the only way they will look good. I still use the curling iron just a touch and that helps too. Also is she cutting them too short? My bangs behave best when they are at least as long as my nose and as I said, fringed or layered so that they work out better.

Hair-cut help??

ask them to cut the bangs on an angle.

Hair-cut help??

Tell your stylist you don't like it! Never leave unhappy. He keeps doing your bangs that way because you never say anything.

My mom says hair grows faster when you cut it. My hair was down to my butt and I cut it 3 inches with layers, but it's already growing back after only a few weeks.

If your stylist isn't pleasing you, you might want to amp up your spending and find someone who can do exactly what you like.

How should I get my hair cut?!?!?

I want to get my hair cut with layers and some sort of fringe but I'm not sure which type. I have really thick, dark eyebrows so I'm not sure that the normal straight across fringe would look very good (would it?) and I like side fringes but I got that last time and I sort of wanted something new. I have a sort of ovalish face and I want to keep my hair long. Pictures and suggestions would be useful. Thank-you.

How should I get my hair cut?!?!?

Go to this website and this hair cut i think would look hott on you! GO FOR IT

How should I get my hair cut?!?!?

i really dont no sry

Hair cut by Ken Paves - How much does it cost?

Does anyone have a clue how much Ken Paves charges for a hair cut at his salon in Hollywood?

Hair cut by Ken Paves - How much does it cost?

I don't know but I think it would be more than $300.

Has anyone ever got their hair cut here??

has anyone ever got their hair cut at mitchell's hairstyling?? im getting mine done there saturday and its gonna be $130 to highlight my hair and $60 to get it layered and i wanted to know if they did a god job in general. i know the all have different people working at different ones but i just want to know if thats a good hair salon. or are there any places you would recommend?? thnks. =)

Has anyone ever got their hair cut here??

...and where do you live?!

Gimme a hair cut :]?

sooo, I really want a hair cut.

It's really short to me as it is, so I'd like to keep it that length or a tiny bit shorter. My hair is naturally really curly, I just straighten it everyday so, half the reason why I don't want it too short.

I'm really tired of my bangs and I want to colour it again.

any suggestion would be nicee.

my hair:;...

Gimme a hair cut :]?


If You STILL Want 2 change the way that your hair Looks tHEn try or or

Gimme a hair cut :]?

Your hair looks nice the way it is but if you want to change it

try getting it cut in nice layers that frame your face or get it razor cut

For color, you could try a blonde color or I think red would look nice too

Its up to you =]

Good luck

What hair cut should i get?!?

i have a heart shaped face( big forehead, a kinda pointyish chin, and high cheekbones) what hair cut should i get to draw attention away from my forehead, and what length is best for my face shape?i don't want anything to drastic or edgy! thanks to anyone who answers! =)

What hair cut should i get?!?

Hey! : )

I have a heart shaped face too. Yesterday, I went and got a new style/some highlights........I LOVE IT!

Get some wispy side bangs, layers in the front framing your face chin and below....and put in some pretty highlights if you desire.

What hair cut should i get?!?

Try these Bob styles

What hair cut should i get?!?

This question would be best answered with a photograph.

If you are self concious or just trying to be safe - try finding a picture of a celebrity with similar features to you and post that instead.

What hair cut should i get?!?

pic would help, but do something like jennifer aniston

What hair cut should i get?!?

Reese Witherspoon also has a heart shaped face and her new haircut looks great. If you want to draw attention away from your forehead get a hairstyle that has long layers, they will make your chin seem less pointy and draw attention down. Don't get a cut that adds height to your head. The best length for you depends on how you feel about long, medium, or short hair. Layers near your chin that flip outward will help balance your shape. Hope I helped!

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow?

I have Dark Brown Hair and i am getting it cut tomorrow which picture would look better?




I am about 5'2 and my hair is about middle of my back

Please only serious answers

other suggestions welcome

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow?

i really like 3 i think short is in!!

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow?

your first 2 links don't work, but the 3rd does. i would suggest going very slow here. you don't want to cut all of your hair off at me! maybe try to your shoulders and see how you like it, your stylist can always cut more off! You can subtract but you can't add!

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow?

As you already know your first two links do not work. I wouldn't go that short, but I love all three of these.

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow?

I too feel that you should not get too much cut off at once. I once went from having long hair (down to the middle of my back) to really short hair (it went to the back of the neck.). I really hated it.

The third link was the only one that worked.

I would suggest cutting your hair to below your shoulder blade then gradually cut it short.

Cuts for long fine light brown hair to just above waist length?

I'd like to as far as possible keep the length as I love the way long long hair falls but I want it to be really layered and have more volume to the top and more of a wave to it.

How can I get my hair cut to this sort of style ?

Any suggestions ??

Cuts for long fine light brown hair to just above waist length?

it might not really suit for long hair to have lots of volume, because whatever you do, the weight of the hair itself will make your hair lie flat.

I used to have long hair, and the easy way ti wave it is after you washed your hair, tie it in a tight plait, and don't open for a few hours, the longer you keep it tied the better, and the when you open it, you get natural waves, you can experiment with the number of plaits, and how much hair used in sections.

layers would go wrong with such long hair, but if you want to add interest, why not a side fringe, or light feathering?

feathering looks a bit like layers when tied up, and looks cute on most face shapes.

Best thing is to consult a hairdresser.

Good Luck.


Cuts for long fine light brown hair to just above waist length?

I have that kind of brown hair too but it wont grow you're lucky

but any way you want volume I suggest that you do layer it and cut it shoulder length you can probably go to your local hair salon but make an appointment first!

Good luck!

I need my hair cut and my questions is what kind of hair cut would be best for me?

I am 36 years old and have 2 very young children. My hair is black and very straight. It is currently above my shoulders and cut in layers. I need something that is easy to manage and am willing to go shorter.

I need my hair cut and my questions is what kind of hair cut would be best for me?

Dear mam,

I suppose your problem can be taken care by easily.Please visit for the solution.


I need my hair cut and my questions is what kind of hair cut would be best for me?

I think your best option is to use hairstyles software to find a comfortable hairstyle that looks good with your facial features.

This online software will not only let you find your perfect style. It will also tell you whether maintenance is low, medium or high for each hairstyle:

I need my hair cut and my questions is what kind of hair cut would be best for me?

i would go ask a professional, they can tell you cause of the shape of your face and tell you different types of style and hair cuts that would look nice for you. Then you can make your mind up then. Maybe you just need some dye in your hair. in these days people are going for more light colours underneath, cause then you don't see your roots on top of your head. What i did, is i have short wavy hair near the shoulders and i asked them what colours would be good cause i wanted something that blends in but something that spices it up, so they gave me high lights which was a bit blond, and then low lights that was a certain type of brown cause i had golden hair and mixed it with the gold and and got it with my roots which were coming out at the same time. It turned out real nice. I've have it for almost two months and I'm still happy with it. :)

Good luck

I need my hair cut and my questions is what kind of hair cut would be best for me?

Nothing is easier to manage or more convenient than a Buzz Cut. It's also cute and at "the cutting edge" of fashion!

Boxy hair cut?

hi i have a "boxy" type of hair cut and it goes a little bit past my shoulders. i love ashley tisdale's hair cuts and i don't know how to get that kind of look. how should i ask the stylist?

Boxy hair cut?

well you could get extensions the scrunch ur hair but thats all i know

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

i mean when u just leave ur hair with a pony will u loose too much of hair rather than tying.or will a fashionable cut lead to loss of ur hair?

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????


Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

no it wont what leads it is....straightening ur hair everyday or rpmanet straight

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

If anything a haircut won't lead to hair loss, but the opposite

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

No it won't. It actually keeps your hair healthier by cutting it.

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????


Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

THE FACTS Many Americans are quick to plop down large sums of money for trendy haircuts or trips to upscale salons, but some hairstyles can carry unforeseeable costs.

Tight ponytails, cornrows, buns, chignons, twists and other hairstyles that pull on the scalp for prolonged periods can result in irreversible hair loss, a medical condition known as traction alopecia.

There are no figures on how many people in the United States have experienced the problem, but it is probably most common in women and children.

It is also prevalent among African-Americans and East Indians, groups that are more likely to use chemical straighteners and braid their hair, and in the past, was common among nurses, many of whom used pins to secure their caps to their scalps for hours at a time.

The root cause of traction alopecia is excessive tension on the scalp.

The first signs are inflammation of the follicles, thickened or scaly skin, and in some cases small pustules. Over time, people with the condition may notice large amounts of broken strands around their scalps. Their hair, instead of being long and thick, becomes short and thin. The distribution of hair loss varies from one person to the next. In a person wearing a bun, for example, the damage may be confined to the back of the head.

Balding occurs when the problem is ignored long enough. But if detected early, it can be reversed. Or, it can be avoided altogether by limiting the use of tight curlers and chemical straighteners and by relaxing tension on the scalp.

THE BOTTOM LINE Hairstyles that pull too tightly on the scalp can lead to permanent hair loss.

Biotin supplements can help with help with hair loss. But be sure and check with your doctor before taking. :)

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

oh no of course not..the only hair you would lose would be the hair you agree to cut off

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

Okay, to answer your question: No a hair cut will not lead to hair loss. We our all born with a certain amount of hair follicles and hair grows in three different stages, but it's completely natural for your hair to fall out (i think it's estimated around 100,000 a day ) why are you going bald ? putting your hair in a ponytail or leaving it down with no ponytail will not affect the way your hair grows. Try massaging your scalp atleast once a day to get some blood circulation , that will atleast help a little bit. Hope this helps :)

Will a hair cut lead to hair loss???????????

Hi There,

A hair cut won't lead to hair loss. If anything, you'll be better off, because having tyde back too tight causes a lot of stress, which can sometimes lead to extensive hair loss. Also, pollution won't lead to hair loss either, that is unless the dust or pollution is toxic. If you're around a lot of dirty environments (ie. Construction sites) I'd suggest loosely covering your head with a bandanna or hat. If that's not an option just be sure to clean your hair with a revitalizing shampoo and conditioner treatment. Don't us a combined formula though, use individual shampoo and conditioner.

If you're looking for more information on hair treatment, hair loss and the methods available for treating hair loss - I encourage you to check out my blog, I started the blog immediately after receiving a hair restoration surgery. I used it to document the results of my procedure and thought I'd fill in the blank spots with general hair loss and hair treatment information.

best of luck to you in your battle.


Advice for hair cut?

I just asked how I should dye my hair and I think I have found the one I want, but I am also getting it cut, what would be a good hair cut for some one who is 19??

Advice for hair cut?

Well, you can do more with long hair. Short hair you can just wash it and go. I say, you should probably go with a medium cut...its getting hot, but I couldn't live without my you can find some really cute should figure out what your face shape is that way you know for sure you are getting the right is a link that I found helpful.... ....after you know what your face shape is and what will look better on you, then you can just use google to find the right style for you! Hope I helped...and good luck

Advice for hair cut?

maybe lik an elongated victoria beckham boblik the shortest part to ur shoulders. its cute and young but still very sophistcated

Advice for hair cut?

it is better to have different styles of cut according to ur face so u will look fabulous u can have multi-layer or some cute styles of hair cuts some ideas of hair cuts r available in the below mentioned website. ok find it there..i may be useful to u.....

Advice for hair cut?

* Hair Styles ideas / suggestions

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

im quite skint and was thinking of gettin my hair cut and dyed at a local college.i love my hair dearly and im abit aprehensive about letting a trainee loose on my head!! has any 1 exsperienced this and was it a good/bad exsperience..?

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Good luck with that. Look what they did to me!

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

They are supervised by their teacher so don't worry, you wont come out looking like you've been in an explosion

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

It is usually ok but keep in mind it takes about 3 - 4 hours for the visit.

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

I wouldnt risk it hun, i love my hair and will only let professionals touch it. If you love yours like you say you do dont do it! If your skint why not try a mobile hairdresser? My hairdresser is does mobile and shes fab! I get exactly what i ask for - colour, cut funky and a good chat too for only 鎷?5. I think thats pretty cheap, ask around. Good luck x

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

I have been done by people in my college and they were better than my hairdresser they pay more attention, dont rush and all their work is watched over by their tutor no worries. It is also cheap sometimes free yay!

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

I did know a young man who had his done and it went horribly wrong, however the teacher took the situation in hand and he came out with blond hair not in the expected style but it really did suit him

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

Look at other people that have had haircuts by them ask around see if they are good or not. Some know what they are doing some don't.

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

Students are supervised and have to get approval before they do anything on anyones head. Often times students are more in tune with what's in style because they are new and freshly exposed to new techniques. Some stylist who have been in the business tend to only use the coloring and cutting techniques they learned when they were in school which are often outdated. Yet those stylist who keep up on their training and education are dang good at what they do. Remember students are going to be slower as they haven't been doing for 15 years like some, and their prices are usually at least 1/2 the price.

It all comes down to personal preference and what you trust doing. No matter what anyone says, hair is a big deal.. even if it does just grow back!

If you're on a tight schedule, and are looking at getting something like a heavy wear on hair that is to the middle of your back, and then a cut and style afterwards.. I would go to a real salon. If you're looking for an overall color going darker, a few subtle highlights, or just a trim give the school a shot. It's completely up to you.

Anywhere you go please don't be hesitant to tell them exactly what you want, and maybe even bring pictures... You'll for sure get exactly what you want.

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

as a salon owner two of my stylists attend day release at college for training, they do some fantastic styles, and all trainees are subjected to 100% supervision, you will not get a better cut colour Style anywhere else, as long as you are not in a hurry, would recommend it to anyone infact it is catching on big time, and at most colleges there can be a waiting list, also try a good salon modelling night the same applys, go for it there is no worry at all

*hair cut/colour by college girls???*?

i can't help sozzy they should be ok though

Hair cut ideas for long/thick/wavy hair?

My hair is very thick. I have a little bit of wave and my face is oval. Right now I have bangs that come down to about the end of my nose (they are layered) and I wear them to the side. I was hoping to get some suggestions as to how to get it cut so that I can leave it down without much maintanance. Thanks so much in advance, Rachel

Hair cut ideas for long/thick/wavy hair?

Hair cut ideas for long/thick/wavy hair?

maybe you should go with all layers, definitely cute

HAir cut ?!! size??

can any one tell me the number of diffent size for hair cuts??

HAir cut ?!! size??

not really im more of a dancing person not a hair person the only hair i think of is mine lol

HAir cut ?!! size??


HAir cut ?!! size??

For a razor, a 1 is the shortest that I use, I assume a Zero is to shave your head, and the higher the number the less hair being cut

HAir cut ?!! size??

AAAAFRO is the Best ;)

HAir cut ?!! size??

i don't know a lot of different sizes but i do know that if you want to cut your hair a lot go to a beauty shop and try on some wigs at that length

HAir cut ?!! size??


Good hair cuts for someone thats in middle school?

im getting my hair cut and i dont know how i should get it cut

Good hair cuts for someone thats in middle school?

all-around layers are really cute. i had them all through middle school (still do =])

Good hair cuts for someone thats in middle school?

It depends on urself actually... I had my hair like 5 inches below shoulder, but then i cut it to like half inch below shoulder. I really wish i hadn't cut it.... cuz now i can't do ANYTHING with my hair... So thats y i'm thinking of getting highlights.

Curly hair cuts?

I would like to cut my hair today.But I have curly hair.Does anyone know any pictures or websites with picture of curly hair.

Curly hair cuts?

Here are a bunch of pictures:

Im gonna cut my hair?

okay....i need a new hair cut. the length is to the elbow. i want like scene bangs, that swoop, anyone have any suggestions? send me all the pix u could find:]

Im gonna cut my hair?

The best way to find one you like is find a celebrity whose hair you like take a copy to your stylist and tell them you want something similar try this website....

Im gonna cut my hair?

you should cut your hair up to your shoulders , and for your bangs, get side bangs just above your eyebrows. dye half of the top black, and half of the bottom blond . that's what i have .and it looks cutee.

How can i have my hair cut keeping it long in the front but shorten the back?

im a boy with long hair. it is a lil past my shoulders... i have been meaning to cut it but i want to be able to get something i can be happy with. i have been thinking of getting somekind of cut where i can keep it long up front but shorten it up a lot in the back. i have seen girls with these kinds of cuts before but i dont know if there is really a boy equivalent. please please please any help would be great. thanks

How can i have my hair cut keeping it long in the front but shorten the back?

Sure their is..and It's called Aysmetrical...That billy guy from Good Charlotte had one like it.

You can kind of tell what it looks like in the picture.

How can i have my hair cut keeping it long in the front but shorten the back?

u really need to have a consutation with a stylists cause someone needs to see it b4 they can help!!!!

hey can't find a good name u like that hair in that pic???

it's terrible if u ask me

Hair cut pictures?

I want a new hair cut and and I need pictures. I want my hair to be sort of emo but still long. Can you please give me pictures!

Hair cut pictures?

Try this:

Hair cut pictures?

Well. I will be able to find a pic for you!

Getting my hair cut short??

ok well i colored my hair a long time ago and now that my roots are back natural i want to cut my hair short to were its all natural color or mostly natural so i need you guys to give me some links to a cute short hair cut ok!! thanks for any links

Getting my hair cut short??

I just got a new was totally sponteanous and I picked it out of a book in the salon...I love it so much and it was the perfect pick me up...I havent had my hair this short in so long....

Go shorter then you plan's worth it!

Getting my hair cut short??

Think 1920's bob......or go to a pro colorist to match your hair exactly to your natural root color....

Getting my hair cut short??


Getting my hair cut short??

You can use hairstyles software to try lots of cute short hairstyles and find out what looks best with your facial features

Getting my hair cut short??

I agree with Navi, cut it short, take a chance! You just might really like it!

Getting my hair cut short??

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

How should i cut my hair? advice welcomed?

i have long hair and i was only doing for the con man i was about to marry what type of medium hair is in or even short i have an face that is in between of Kirsti Allie

and Candace Cameron

what type of hair cut should i get i don't like long hair please provide links to pictures

How should i cut my hair? advice welcomed?

hair styles and dos has over 3000 pictures to choose from plus you can upload your own picture and see how you look like before you even go to the hair dresser.

How should i cut my hair? advice welcomed?

With scissors. when you are done with the hair you could donate it to locks for love. they make wigs for cancer patients and stuff.

How should i cut my hair? advice welcomed?

since i knew you personally try this sites

How should i cut my hair? advice welcomed?

I chopped my own hair and now I have a pixie cut that I love... things couldn't be easier and my life is less stressful. But short hair isn't for everyone.. but if you have the right face I'd say go for it!

How should i cut my hair? advice welcomed?

you should grow it longer so that he gets crazy jealous when you get the car tittle from him that he owes you.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Need help about cutting my hair?

okay i have lice, i know not very attracting but my hair is very long and i want it cut, i was thinking of cutting it myself but im too scared to, if you no of any place in british columbia, vancouver or ideas on how i can cut my own hair, that would be great... thanks =)

Need help about cutting my hair?

Ok. First of all you need to get rid of the lice. To do this, you need to coat your hair in conditioner. Make it so that it dripping with conditioner, put like half the bottle in. (You should probably go and buy some really cheap conditioner for this, cheap stuff works better anyway) Leave the conditioner in your hair for like an hour. It will suffocate the lice. Before you rinse out the conditioner, get a fine toothed comb and comb through all of your hair with it to get all the dead lice and lice eggs out. Then rinse the conditioner out of your hair. Keep doing this every day until you have no more lice. Also you should pull the old hair out of all your hair brushes and combs and then wash them with hot water and washing up liquid. Wash all the bed sheets and pillow cases.

Now to the cutting hair part. The only safe way i know to cut your own hair is to tie your hair up in a single pony tail at the front of your head (near your forehead). Then cut about an inch off the end of the pony tail. This will give you nice layers in the bottom of your hair. If you want it shorter then tie it up again and cut some more off.

Anyways. Good luck with getting rid of the lice. I hope I helped you. 閳?br>Need help about cutting my hair?

I Know This Girl Who Had Lice Bad And Had To Shave Her Head To Let You Know And Srry I dont Know What To Say About You Cutting Your Own Hair! Srry

Need help about cutting my hair?

first of get rid of your life by shaving your head.

Need help about cutting my hair?

You don't have to cut your hair just because you have lice.. just buy the shampoo and sure you will probably have to buy more than one bottle but by no means do you have to shave your head.. but if you want to cut your hair anyway go for it but i suggest getting rid of the lice first and be sure to treat everywhere your hair has been cuz they do jump... they have spray that comes with some of the shampoo... ps dont shave your head

Need help about cutting my hair?

Don't shave it, don't cut it yet, treat it first with lice shampoo or something!

Layered hair cuts? 10 points?

i have wavy black hair and i wanna cut it like up to my shoulders or just below, if you have any nice pictures or ideas just put it up



Layered hair cuts? 10 points?

with wavy hair, layers might look really bad if you don't get them done right. you should just get layers at the bottom of your hair.

Layered hair cuts? 10 points?

Layered hair cuts? 10 points?

It would look cute if you got a haircut with it shorter in the back and getting longer as you get to the front with it stacked in the back.

Layered hair cuts? 10 points?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Layered hairstyle

I wanna cut my hair like this (scene hair)?

I wanna cut my hair like this but i dont know how to explain to the stylist

do yall know some web page where i can find some cool scene hair cuts for guys??

I wanna cut my hair like this (scene hair)?

hair looks strange...but if you want it print it out somehow and bring to hairstylist and ask her/him to do it like the photo?

I wanna cut my hair like this (scene hair)?

whoa! that hair is awesome (;

you should just print it out

and tell the hairstylist to cut it EXACTLY

the way it looks.

if they mess up

***** at em

hahaha...j//k (:

I wanna cut my hair like this (scene hair)?

print out a picture and show it to the stylist.

they might be able to figure it out.

I wanna cut my hair like this (scene hair)?

just print it out and bring it to your hairdresser. photobucket is a good site or if you go on youtube search scene hair for guys (or something along those lines) and when you find one you like pause the video, click the print screen button(it is to the right of the F12 button), then open up paint or any editing program you have and paste it into there,crop the picture then print.

I wanna cut my hair like this (scene hair)?

Just try somewhere like - LoveBites and Bruises - for more help - they have a lot of scene stuff. They have a lot of emo/scene fans that hang around on their website can help you out. Like virtual scene makeup and haircuts and stuff - they even show you how to DIY it.

Front hair cut for summers?

i 've an oval slim face...i 've bangs but cant keep my bangs in summers...itz very hot

i do not luk gud widout bangs or any front hair cut!..plz suggest me a front hair cut? or length of bangs in summers dat it does not luk bad!...wid a pony tail @ the back!

Front hair cut for summers?

try sideswept bangs

like these:

^i have no idea who she is but i found her on search.

hope i helped


Front hair cut for summers?

side bangz

Front hair cut for summers?

I have that same problem. I feel like my bangs are a necessity, but they get in my way and when it's hot out, stick to my face. I tried side bangs they work pretty well you just have to make sure they're long enough. I'm also beginning to pin up my bangs, when I wear a ponytail. They don't get in my face and I still have them that way. If those don't work ask your hair dresser or beautician. They have probably been faced with the same question before. Good luck.

Hair cut ??!?

I really want a new hair cut what kind should i get my hair is a little short then in the picture please so picture remeber nothin to short i have to be able to do ponytail

Hair cut ??!?

Get Good Hairstyle IDEA's at

I need a really cute hair cut? Pictures would be nice, but optional.?

Hi, I'm not liking my hair. It's just kind of hanging. It looks cute for about 5-10 minutes after I comb it, then thats it.

I'm due for a hair cut...I have split ends, and its getting difficult to manage my hair. Let's see....details:

Color: Kind of a weird light brownish color with some blonde highlights left over from a while back.

Structure: I suppose you would describe it as straight. However, it has some big huge waves in it. Not cute wavy, but straight with big, ugly waves.

Other details: I'm insecure about the size of my head. I think it's very large, and kind of square-ish.... Since I'm not really confident about the size/shape of my head, I don't like a style that really exposes it.

I want a cut/style that is fun, cute, and easy-to-manage, but still girly and pretty. Any styles that you know of that might work?

(PS: I look good when my hair is really wavy, but I can't afford a perm. Do rollers work well? Also, what do you think about those dying kits you can buy in stores?)

I need a really cute hair cut? Pictures would be nice, but optional.?

I suggest going to it helped me pick one out. its free too (for one photo upload). and its pretty simple not confusing

I need a really cute hair cut? Pictures would be nice, but optional.?

What a bout a short bob style:

A short, wavy hair cut:

And this site helps you select great hairstyle for square faces:

I need a really cute hair cut? Pictures would be nice, but optional.?

about 3 layers and side swept bangs is great on ANYBODY thats how my hair is and i love it!

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

any ideas??? i like short hair, like at my neck. and i have very thick wavy hair.

Whats a good hair cut that would soot me.....that doesnt look to old for a 13year old. and i have blond hair!!!!!!!!

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

Short hair is a little well suited for straight hair because if your hair is REALLY thick and wavy, it will poof out and give you the dreaded PYRAMID HAIR!!! Or, if you cut it to your neck, ask the hairstylist to give you suited layers, it will thin out your hair and prevent it from sticking out :)

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

thick and wavy hair is great to work with because u can hold styles well and it just look so good...i think if u go for a layered,shoulderlenghth cut that would be good for ur age....a side band is really trendy.....good luck

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

I think you should go to your beautician and let her work her magic. I think with your hair being thick and wavy that it shouldn't be to short or it will poof out and look like a fuzz ball.

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

I have my hair cut like Alyssa Milano...really short pixie style. Its great because you just put some gel in it and go. I have stick-straight hair but have heard wavy hair is even better in short styles because you get more body, less sticking up (like a rooster! LOL).

I also really like Mariska Hargita's haircut. She's Liv on Law and Order SVU. She's wearing it long this season but last season it was short and very cute.

I think the thing that seperates a cute girl short cut from a mannish nightmare is:

1. razor-cut layering

2. wispy long sideburns

3. leaving a little fringe along the neck line instead of cutting it square.

Good luck!

A cute, neck-length hair cut!?

How about a graduated bob w/ lots of piecey layers?

Here's the link to a photo:

Hair cut style?

I really would like a hair cut with layers in the back and in the front it is kind of like bangs and they are to the side. Does anyone know a good website where I can get a picture of someone with this hair due to give to my parlor to copy?

Hair cut style?


Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

i need a new hair cut, but i have no idea what to do with my hair.

here is a picture of me:

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

I say keep your bangs but thin them out!! Shorter for sure..... more clean cut!! Your hair is thick like my brothers and i'd use a straightening shampoo cause my brother did and his hair look totally awesome now!! THIN IT OUT!!!

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

Shave it all off! I love bald heads! ^.^

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

get a fade.

after its cut buy some gel and spike the top up.

you would look VERY attractive.

im a popular girl and i go to a popular school.

everyone loves this style there.

its simply amazing.

and very very attractive.

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?


Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

your handsome face will carry every hair fashion.

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

make it spikes up. i love guys with spiky hair

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

buzz cut

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

I like your hair the way it is. It's sexy. But just a trim should do fine.

Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

get this:

yea! its HOT! or get this:


Need a hair cut, any suggestions? (picture)?

Um, because you have a rounder face you need something that isn't going to curl into your face because it makes it look way rounder. What i say is cut it, eh almost to your eyebrows in the front and make the back a little bit shorter. I don't know how to explain it so here's an example:

Go to -1:45

sorry it's a little confussing

Hair cut ideas for a long oval face?

i have a long, oval face. my chin is a little pointy. i have naturally straight hair and i am getting it cut. right now it is long enough to get it cut basically any style. Any ideas? I need to not spend much time styling it either. thanks.

Hair cut ideas for a long oval face?

Do you have a big forehead? If so, be original and get straight across bangs.

Hair cut ideas for a long oval face?

try checkin out hairstyles on celebs on the web

Hair cut ideas for a long oval face?

Sidebangs Honey! all u do it let them airdry!

Hair cut ideas for a long oval face?

ha oval face

Hair cut ideas for a long oval face?

my friend's face is like that too...she has straight long hair

what u should do is cut it a little lower than your shoulder and get a sidebang

it will look really good

Hair cut ideas for a long oval face?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas / suggestions-

Should she cut her hair before getting extensions?

my cousin has terrible hair. Well after dying her hair, all of her ends of her hair in the back broke off; to the point were it is only about 4 inches long.

She was telling me that she is going to have all her hair cut to that length or shorter, then have extensions put in. not braids, but the ones that use adhesive. I almost fainted, Please someone who knows hair if this is a good idea.

I know I already asked this, but I think it was late and not many people answered because of that

Should she cut her hair before getting extensions?

If a good adhesive is used, those kind of extensions are the best, just make sure it's not wax-based, because it just melts off when it's hot. If it would be wax-based, get it sewn or weaved in. I say yes to the short cut, and she should go as far as to cut it even shorter to take care of the parts that broke off, it looks unhealthy and brittle unless you trim it. Best of luck! =]]

Should she cut her hair before getting extensions?

The adhesive kind NEVER look good for more than about two days. She should get the sewn in kind and she SHOULD cut off her bad ends. The glue ins ruin hair further.

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

I love my hair now, but my mom thinks shorter hair is cuter so I thought I might entertain her, though I do get compliments on my very long hair allot. Sorry I have no picture, but here's what it looks like (if it helps): pretty long (past the middle of my back but not touching my butt), its thick but has body, long layers in the back and a few shorter layers in the front, healthy (its not dead looking at the ends like some long hair is), and a dark brown with a tint of red to it.

Ok, I know it sounds like I'm talking up my hair allot but I take real good care of it so it is what I said,, do you like long hair better or short? And if it makes a difference I'm a pretty tall girl (5'11") and slender (but not skinny) and I sometimes think that my long hair balances me out, can hair do that? Should I get it cut or leave it alone? Thanks for the answers!

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

Moms always think their daughters look best in short hair.

Guys have a thing about long hair.

Leave it until you can decide on your own what is best for you,.

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

Do what makes you happy, not your mother.

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

If you like your hair, don't cut it to please your mom. If you hate it, you'll blame her and be upset with her.

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

The hairstyles that look good on you don't just depend on your body type- they depend on your facial bone structure. My advice- listen to yourself. It's your hair, not your mom's.

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

I didn't even have to read your whole question to answer it! What would *you* prefer? Maybe you should ask yourself that question instead of worrying about what everyone else, like your mom, thinks!?!?

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

i would leave it alone!!! ive been trying to grow my hair out long FOREVER and i cant bear to hear of someone with long saying they want to cut it off...

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

I used to have long hair and chopped it off for something different, and now I regret it. It is taking FOREVER for it to grow back to the long length. If you really like your hair, I wouldn't cut it drastically. Start off with a few inches to see if you like it.

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

Your hair sounds really really pretty. If you want to cut it, just take off a little bit. Short hair is cute but long hair takes so much longer to get.(and it looks really good!) I would say get a couple inches cut off of it and get some face framing angles. Angles look really good with long hair. Good luck!!!!! :)

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

long but trim it a inch

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

If you want a change, go for it. I cut 10 inches off of my hair (it's now barely touching my shoulders) the other day and it's amazing :) You can always go to a trusted hairstylist and ask for ways to cut your hair that would fit your face shape, too. It's true that not all short hair looks good on certain face shapes, but you can always find a short hairstyle that looks cute on your face shape. Plus if you get enough cut off you can donate it to Locks of Love, which is always a great feeling :)

Best of luck!

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

I had long wavy hair as a child, wanted it short though. Cut it when I was 10, it got really curly. It took me almost 16 yrs to get it long again!!! Its hard to grow it out without feeling frumpy. I love my hair long now. I would never go back there again. I have thought of cutting it shorter. I did, to the top of my shoulders and I wound up hating it! You miss the way that when you're cut with time, you can put it up or wear it under a cap etc.... I would start out slow by cutting it to a length that is somewhat shorter, but can grow back easily and if you like it and don't miss your locks and feel good about going shorter, then go for it man!!! Keep in mind that shorter hair takes more time to fix and more up keep at times. You don't want to have regrets. Once its gone its gone!

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

How long have you had long hair? So many women get stuck with that 70's mentality thing of I gotta have long hair no matter what.Why not try something new ?Shoulder length looks great on everyone and actually enhances most faces by drawing attention to the face instead of just the hair.Heck you don't want to get labled as one of those women that's defined by their hair. "Oh she's the one with the long hair." Dare to be different!( You might want to get some highlights too!

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

as long as it's clean and trim I see no reason to cut it....

both my granddaughter's have long hair.. and it's beautiful ...

did you ever ask your Mom if she had long hair, when she was younger....good luck...(my vote is yes, keep the hair)

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

I would cut it a little like a trim but thats what i would do but i think u should do wat makes u happy

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

You should do what makes you feel good about yourself. But my preference is longer hair cause you can always put it up or pony tail or bun. Or have it down around your shoulders. You really can't do much if your hair is too short...

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

I got my hair cut when it was real sacred, but then I ened up liking it because it had more body and it was easier and quicker to wash and groom. It also was good to have a little change.

I'm debating on getting my hair cut, do you think I should(read on)?

i would say keep it i luv long hair!

im even growing myn long aswell!

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

I read in a magazine that you can get away with cutting your own hair by gathering your hair in front of your face, pulling it taught and cutting straight (however much you want). When you're done, you'll have subtle layers. I am so tempted to try that. My hair's wavy so if I do make a bludner, it probably won't be that noticeable.

Has anyone tried this method?

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

Actually, I do it all the time. I've had my hair cut professionally only three times in 2-3 years because I don't trust anyone BUT myself.

What started out as an experiment became a routine. I have trouble cutting length, as in the bottom layer and keeping it straight, but I layer the rest of my hair.

I section off parts evenly, pull them up and forward (to my forehead) and I cut VERTICALLY, not horizontally. It takes a while to get anywhere, but it's much easier to not make a mistake that way.

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

yeah i think that it will work because i was too scared 2 try on on my hair but i tryed it on my little sister's dolls and and came out so good and now imma go ahead and try it. Report It

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

No.. I haven't. I think it will work though

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

I tried it and it was a complete disaster... leave hair cuts to stylist!!!

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

if you want to try it that would be cool..just be prepared to go to a stylist if it doesn't work out!

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

I have been doing that for years. It is the best method for layers, I think. But remember to start small, %26amp; check it between cuts to make sure you dont go too short. In my opinion, it;s more even then the pros.

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?


I'd never trust myself to cut my own hair.

If I were to mess up, I wouldn't have a stylist to blame. :P

Get it done professionally.

Not even the professionals do their own hair.

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

no ive never tried it but i can say take scissors open them up like a blade and run it down your hair and it will layer of luck!

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

never used that method ... but i cut my oun hair many times and really nice and i'm not a hairdresser, u just have to have the courage and selfconfidence

Cutting my hair in layers by myself... anyone tried this method?

i did and it went wrong so i just kept my hair in a ponytail until i took my braids out that was once one of the worst hair mistakes of my life