Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Okay .. So i got my hair cut today, but the stupid hairdresser didnt go it like I wanted .. I asked for a side fringe, but she didnt even wet my hair first. And she didnt change my parten either! So now, I look like a loser with half a fringe .. what can I do? I cant go back to the salon, as you have to have an appointment, and all the other hairdressers are a 40min drive away, and as am only 14 I cant drive ...

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Aww sweetheart. There is nothing worse than not being happy with your hair cut! What I would suggest is to give the hairdressers a call, or go there in person and explain that the hairdresser really did not do what you wanted. They may well sort it for you free of charge. If you're not brave enough to do that then make an appointment at another hairdressers and explain to them what happened, exactly what you want and ideally take a picture of what you want from a magazine or something (but you would have to find a way to get there). For the time being why not pin the front section of your hair back like in a quiff type style so that the fringe bit can't be seen, which looks nice and is in fashion! Good luck hunny.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

do a britney

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Your young enough to get away with a bad hair cut, don't worry.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Can any of your friends' moms take you? Or maybe one of them could try to fix the haircut...

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

not sure what to do, but i will pray for you!=]

Good luck!

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

mmmm I donno really. try to fix it your self its not that hard really. You can always go bak to the salon tomorow or some other time for now just tie it ina bun.. Im sure its that bad

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

well, first of all, remember there are no bad haircuts. There are only haircuts that last longer than others.

Next, try some gell and a blowdryer to see if you can make this cut work for you. Your only ohther option is to see a better stylist and see if they can fix it for you.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Ok, I would not do it myself as you may mess it up even more!! I once had a bad bad cut and had to wear my hair pulled back until it growed out a little. Maybe if you relax and wait a few days, you may see that it's not all that bad afterall.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

call some of your girlfriends over immediately!! it's time to STYLE!!!

one of the styling products that i like to use, is sunsilk. they have these bags of products that you can find at walmart. the bags are ALL different colors depending on your problem! frizz, dull hair, etc. they also come with 3 lip glosses!! Peppermint, Gingerbread, and Sugar Cookie.

if you want to make sure you get the right one, ask someone that works there!!

good luck!!!

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

I would call the salon and tell them you are very unhappy, they will be happy to squeeze you in and will not charge you again, may even give you a coupon for next cut free. Good Luck!

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

-clip your bangs back [and the other half lol] to get the "pouf" c[pretty sure they have a style of it on the Y! Avatars so you can see what i'm talking about.]

-wear a headband

-make a deep part on the side wear your hair's longer [so it'll hide the short bangs] and make a low side ponytail on the opposite side of you part.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

you have the right, as a consumer, to go straight back to that salon and demand they fix it and give you what you asked for, without any extra cost!!

You don't need an appointment, just go straight back there ASAP and tell them loudly for the whole salon to hear it if the try to shoo you.

The other customers there have a right to hear that the hairdresser did not do her job properly too. Dont worry about getting angry or upset in front of them

Bottom line - you PAID for a specific hair cut and you DIDNT get it, so go back there and GET IT

my friend had the same problem - a hairdresser died her hair and missed a patch. some of it was darker and other bits lighter. she went back as soon as she realised and told the hairdresser off. the hairdresser fixed it for her, no extra charge, because she asked for something and didnt get it. its the similar principle to getting a refund on something you paid for that doesn't do what its supposed to.

they promised you a certain result, and didnt deliver. they have to fix it.

good luck.

x x x

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

go back and say i asked for something different and you gave me this and say give me my monry back or fix it x

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

These will help

~Go back and get a new hair cut...

~Wear a hooded jacket or a hat

~Put barrettes and pins in if uneven

The ThomasJor Y guy that was funny "do a britney"

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

ok, i feel sorry for you LOL! :D

Try going back like the tohers said they might be able to fit you in some where!

Wear a hairband and push it all back, or some clips maybe!

gd luck with your hair tragedy LOL!!! :D

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Don't Worry, that happened to me. If its really bad, then clip your bangs back (if you have them, if not, front pieces of hair) it always camoflauges my flaws because all my friends wear it like that. So you could just put it in a clip, quick and easy!

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Maybe until your hair grows back you can wear a headband with your bangs in it. You could also wear your hair in a ponytail and hairspray your bangs back.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Dye Your hair black and slick it back

Like this.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Hey Hunny_X

Aww Sorry To Hear That.

You Should Go Back To The HairDresser's And Get Her To Sort It As Its Not Fair._X

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Go straight back to the hair dressers and compalin you pay to have your hair how you want it to look.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

Hmm make another appointment there and for now clip your fringe back. If you go back to the hairdressers and tell them your not happy if their worth their salt they should fix it for free.

I hate hairdressers they allways seem to do the opposite.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

if you're unhappy with the fringe pull back the bangs and twist and make a poof.. it's in style right now and no one will know. but i'd try to get an appt. ASAP. somewhere else to get it fixed or try to even it up yourself.

Hair Cut Disaster! Pleease help!?

use fancy grips for a few weeks then go to another salon for your fringe....

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