Saturday, November 14, 2009

Long Hair Cuts??

Hey I have pretty long, dark hair (more than halfway down my back) and I wanna get a stylish, edgy haircut without cutting very much length off. I also kinda wanna change the color a little bit without frying my hair. Does anyone have any ideas? Anything will help. Thanks

Long Hair Cuts??

have it cut and donate it some salons take hair for ppl with medical conditions like cancer who are loosing their hair and need help it would be a wonderful giving thing to do

Long Hair Cuts??

shave it off i bet ull look so hott

Long Hair Cuts??

layers, highlites, bangs

Long Hair Cuts??

get blonde hihglights and layers that might look good

Long Hair Cuts??

i agree, shave it off

Long Hair Cuts??

that's way to long

Long Hair Cuts??

get layers and blonde highlights your hair dresser will know what color

Long Hair Cuts??

sorry, iam no barber.

Long Hair Cuts??

have it cut just below the sholder. mabey a reddish-black will look cute.

Long Hair Cuts??

i say u should get layers..n a light honey..or chesnut brown dye..or a rinse so it wont be perment

Long Hair Cuts??

Layers and highlights are always good. Coloring that doesnt have amonia in it is alot better for your hair

Long Hair Cuts??

1. Get some natural looking high lights done in your hair.

2. Trim a bit off.

3. Get layered hair in the front.

Enjoy your stylish new look! :)

Long Hair Cuts??

maybe try long layers , and highlight your hair with blond streaks

Long Hair Cuts??

get it layered and up to your shoulders

Long Hair Cuts??

Smart idea not to cut the beautiful long hair. I did and regretted it over and over and never let my hair grow back long.

Have a stylist do anything in the way of colors or tinting because long hair has a tendency to dry and break. Start with a streak or few, not major changes, maybe adding color since lightning means removing color and that strips the hair.

If you are not sure what you want, go to a place that sells quality wigs and try several on. Perhaps what you are looking for is a temporary change, and a wig is defintely temporary. The store will teach you how to "hide" you hair, etc. I did that many years ago and loved it.

Long Hair Cuts??

Don't mess with it! !Hey you just describe my favorite hair. You are very lucky! Men do love the long dark hair.

Long Hair Cuts??

just get layers long or short it doesn`t matter and when you are looking for a good color go to like walmart look at the hair coloring boxes and compare the faces on the boxes to yours that way you can get the perfect color start off with buying that color in a coloring kit that washes out after so many washes so if you dont totally love it it wont be permanent and then you can try a different color

have fun!

Long Hair Cuts??

cutting your hair is your decision.but if you decide to color it use something temparary,just in case you don't like it.

Long Hair Cuts??

layering your hair would probably look amazing, and highlights and sidebangs would be the way to go.

Long Hair Cuts??

I wouldn't cut it very much. I have about the same length as you and my hair is black, dark like yours. I have it layered and the top layer comes about to my upper back-about 2 or 3 inched below my shoulders. I wouldn't do much higher than this or it will always get in your face and be harder to put up in a pony tail w/out some strains falling down. So I would layer it, that will give it body. As for the color: I think black is a pretty color, but if you think it will not suit you then I would put caramel highlights in it. It shouldn't fry it if your hair is all natural. Just don't dye or perm over top of the highlights.

Long Hair Cuts??

Hey great Question! BUT long hair is in itself the Beauty of a Woman!

Few have that quality Today! Just trim the ends, about 1/2 inch and Don't Color it, as it destroys the Hair!

Sometimes a Mayonnaise Treatment works good to give your hair that Natural Shine as the American Indian Woman used Yucca Plant to do the Same!

Thanks, RR

Long Hair Cuts??

your choice long layer cuts or short layer cuts

and some light light brown or blonde high lights so it won't look like you really wanted to change!!!!!!

Good Luck!!!

PS: girls with long hairs are the hottest so yeah!! Toodles Girl

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