Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

ok, please no rude comments..

I don't really care if you don't "approve" of people cutting their hair, but I prefer it!

I have cut my hair since 8 years old. Because the hairstylists I 've been to (numbered amount) all cut my hair either crooked, too short or completely uneven.

I LOVE cutting my own hair! I do layers and it looks great, however,

how do I do the back a little better? For some reason, they're are always some uneven parts, but not many?

anyone out there that 's cut their hair?




Tips for cutting your own hair!?

Cut your hair upside down. Seriously.

Turn your head upside down and pull your hair into a pony tail or to a point in the center of your head.

Twist the tail, twist, twist, until you have twisted a tight rope.

Trim the ends of the twist and let it go

Turn upright and your hair will fall into into long layers.

Try it, but just trim a little at a time. It will give you great layers.

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

You should let someone else do it. but here's a tip. get a mirror and scissors and then cut. Simpe!

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

dont do it

Tips for cutting your own hair!?

I've cut my own hair several times, and I've also cut hair for some friends. I would recommend going to you local beauty college and taking a basic/beginners cutting class to get familiar with a few techniques. Without some training, hair cut by oneself at home looks a lot like hair that was cut at home---there can be uneven ends, too choppy layers, or a flat, lifeless cut that lacks movement.

Usually I find that spending that extra $15-20 at a salon is well worth it to keep from looking like a "beauty school drop-out"

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