Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I got a hair cut yesterday and now my hair got thiner...?

I got hair cut yesterday. and so the style that i got was that it was long at the and like kinda short/medium at the top and layered...i also got side swept bangs. well now my hair is all thin at the bottom and i dont really like thinking of straightining it everytime i go out but im wooried about my hair to get thinner! what should i do?? BTW my hair is naturally straight. is the re a way where i cna make it not look as this and get it to be thicker??

I got a hair cut yesterday and now my hair got thiner...?

Well layering your hair means making it look thinner. So if you choose to layer it, you choose this fate, but the only way to get it truly thicker is to let it grow out.

You're hair won't get thinner if you don't do anything to it. But straightening it will make it look thinner.

If your hair is loose and flies everywhere because it is so thin at the bottom, use some sleeking and shinning hair products because the oils and grease will weight your hair down and keep it from flying.

Happened to me too last year. Now, my hair is fine. Just wait it out. Try different hair styles for now.

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