Thursday, November 12, 2009

I want my hair cut and styled, but i don't know which style?

I have long hair, more than halfway down my back, and it is blackish the light it looks brown. I've been growing my hair for years. My mum is constantly having a go at me for my hair, because I either have it up in a ponytail, or down, straight or scrunched. She does not like it being long, mainly because i spend so long washing it, and I 'dont do anything with it' according to her. My dad loves my hair long, though, and want's it to stay long. I do love it long, and had such a fit when my mum told the hair dresser to take off 4 inches. Now i want it cut and styled, but i don't want it too short, it has to at least be past my shoulders. I don't think i want layers either, because my friends have layers, and they all have split ends. I have a bit of an emo fringe, and i want to keep that, but i love the emo styled hair. I wouldn't mind colours, on the tips at least. But not really short. I just want a change. Any ideas?

I want my hair cut and styled, but i don't know which style?


just so i can put it out there i have the same color hair as you, it looks black but its a really dark brown but in the light it has so a pretty brown red color. so if you do want to get your hair colored, the color you hair is in the light is the color you want. talk to the hair dresser doing your hair to talk more about the colors.

now for the acutal do- you love the emo style hair well this site is what i think might help you. all the long hair styles look amazing so you can keep the lenght(on your own choice and still work the stlye.)


some girls acutally have crazii colors and if you have the ovaries to do it, do it! it looks soo cool!

hope this helps

I want my hair cut and styled, but i don't know which style?

I want my hair cut and styled, but i don't know which style?

Heres long styled hair.. more scene than emo. I think it looks pretty cool..

If thats too much maybe this?

I want my hair cut and styled, but i don't know which style?

i think that you should get your hair about an inch from your shoulder

I want my hair cut and styled, but i don't know which style?

hey! whose hair is it? It seems that you're worrying about how a bunch of other people feel about your hair. Obviously you cannot please them all.

Do this...say a prayer to Jesus. Just like this: Dear Jesus, I've been growing my hair for a long time, and I want to thank you for making my hair so pretty and for allowing it to get long so that I could see how nice it was. I just want you to know that I'd like to do something different with it and it's really driving me wacko trying to figure out what to do. Jesus, since you gave this to me would you please show me what to do with my hair? I'll wait if you'd like so that you can make sure I know it's you and I really appreciate it Lord.

He'll show you.

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