Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

well next year i will be going to a leaving ball and i'm going to wear a dress and i'm just wondering is it such a good idea if i do have my hair cut short (i mean short hair the one i want would definbatly suit me alot) but i'm just worried if i'll look stupid short hair and a dress wouldn't that ake my neck look realy long even though my neck is kinda short or i would say normal i think it might, the hair style i'm talking about would look like long fringe at the front from the face outward it would start out short and then go longer to the sides and then stay the same i'm thinking the lenth should be just to the bottom of the neck and it will go in and it will go up at the back and i will a semi side parting

is this hair style attractive please give me nice answers becuase i have my heart set on getting it cut like that lol

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

Sweetheart you sound so nervous but I know the style and it is very classy and will look great on you Im sure, As for the ball a little work on confidence and how to carry yourself then your appearance will not worry you but it will make the guys stare in awe,You will feel and look gorgeous hun Im sure, go for it.

Good Luck.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

go for it!!! you can always wear a necklace or something to break up the gap %26amp; you've got loads of time to chose a dress that goes with your hair 閳?br>I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

Unless you have an assburning desire to cut your hair you should not do it.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

i would say just wear your hair the way YOU like it

!! if you are worrid about people lookin at your neck bring a pretty scarf just in case or wear a pretty necklace!

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

Why cant you have your hair put up for the evening instead of getting it cut? If you are afraid to have it cut I wouldnt do it. Wait until you are really ready. Your hairdresser should also be able to tell you if the cut you want will suit your face. Ask her/him. They may say go for it!!! Good luck!

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

You obviously want it done otherwise you would not be asking!! Throw caution to the wind and get it done otherwise you will see other people with short hair and think ' wish id of had that done'. At the end of the day hair grows!! Happy snipping!

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

well, hair grows back =] theres no other way to say it. you could maybe get it 2 inches at a time, so you can get used to it gradually until you find a length you like. short layers and wispy side swept bangs are a good addition to making it work with your face shape.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

you know what if you want your hair cut like that then go for it,,dont worry about other people's thougts and im not some old lady trying to be nice lolim 16 and a fashion freak,,and ket me tell you that hairstyle sounds beautiful!! good luck

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

i dont thinf ur neckm will look long unless ur a giraffe lol witch im sure ur not. but about the hairstyle my cosins had it and its awsome i wanted a hairstyle like that and i luved it tot awsome go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

omg please do not do that. hair cuts are a whole lot shorter after you get it cut please do not do this. shoulder length is the shortest you should go. if you aren't 30 you don't need to go that short. trust me you will regret this . i am giving a very honest opinion. please trust my answer. have alot of fun at your prom.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

it depends on your face shape... i would cut my hair AFTER the event so i dont risk anything.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

well i had short hair last year loved. it :-) but

i say you should put it in a clip somthing like a dressie clip for your hair. but . if you want like i did i took my hair down. cus i drank and my friends said ohh Hey You Look good with you hair down now, it wasn't like fliped out or nothing just plane strate down. i had the hair cut like jennifer anaston from Friends that short hair cut theme she had. way back when,

but wish ya that best

Divo Anna*.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

My personal opinion would be do not cut it definitely, that short. I think you will regret it. It will very severely limit you ways of wearing it for a very long time if you get tired of it. I just think long hair is so beautiful, I think it is our really or crowing glory to be shown off. But I know you said you had your heart set on it. You will just have to do what you feel is right in your heart and then never look back like I said it will eventually grow out.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

I think you would look vry nice with short or med; length hair,you would not at all look stupid with short hair with dress,cast your mind back a few years ago,the late princess Di had short hair and she looked and was beautiful.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

Your hair can grow back for the ball, if you so wish. Don't be put of by the thought of what next year may bring. Just prepare yourself to not like this hair-do immediately, any drastic change will take time to get used to, and if you do like it immediately...bonus! As for the ball, if you keep it short, it is no longer such a big deal, I see so many people at these functions with short hair and there are some fab hair ornaments to enhance, the feather on a bejewelled clasp is a big thing at the mo or you can always pin the fron back to give the impression of long hair or even wear an extension!

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

I can't visualize your haircut, but I say go for it. I used to have fairly long hair and I got it cut above my shoulders. I got really great compliments on my hair. Even a lot of guys commented. Don't base your decision on one night. Since the ball is next year, you can wear a dress before that and if you don't like how you look you can start regrowing your hair. I went to 2 balls while I had short hair. I even have a long neck and I wore a choker-style necklace so my neck didn't look like a giraffe's. If you think about it having short hair isn't any different from having an up-do when it comes to how your neck will look while in a dress. If you have your heart set on it go for it and don't worry about the ball until the time comes. I'm sure you'll look great!

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

Don't worry about how it will look next year because by then you'll be afraid of something. Live for the present and if you want your hair short then do it! I had long hair and just last night I decided to get it cut. Now its so short but I love it to death! I think that hairstyle sounds cute. If your worried that short hair won't match the dress then you could wear extensions that night. Good luck!

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

just dont be affriad . it will be fine.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

don't worry be happy. smile and the world will smile with you...

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

Sounds great, like a French bob. Will thicken up your hair and will be glossier than when longer. Also you can go to town on eye makeup and some fantastic earrings. I've just taken the plunge after years of dangly hair and recommend it. Feels really bouncy. Plus you would stand out from the crowd at the ball, although you could grow it back by next year if you changed your mind.

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

i think you should get your hair cut. it's agood idea because i got a hair cut once and i thought that the short hair would look bad. But when i got it cut it was wonderful and people like it and besides if you don't like it it can always grow back

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

It's difficult to say from your description and I have just taken the plunge and cut my hair in a chin length bob and I really love it.

here is a new hair and beauty forum I came across, maybe someone can help you there

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

GO FOR IT. i had really long hair and got mine cut short and i wouldn't go back to long hair again.its the best decision ave made, short hair is a LOT easier to keep and style.If you don't like it you can grow it again.

Be brave

Good luck and at the end of the day its only hair

I'm getting my hair cut short but i'm afraid of this?

don't do it. short hair is for lesbians and mislead high school girls.

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